
This tournament came to be because of our Dear Lindsay, though newer to the game, she grew a quick love for golf! Being a very competitive woman, she was always trying to learn and improve her game and she caught on fast! To go from a non-golfer to someone who loved it so much was amazing to see from her golfer friends! She loved nothing more than to beat Dan and Tara in the Sunday funday foursome games, it always put a smile on her face. She played golf like she treated every day, gave it her everything, each and every time she played. We made it our Sunday mission to try all the different courses in our local area and even ventured to play on our road trips! Therefore, we thought it very fitting to host a golf tournament in her honour while also raising money for a local organization.

All proceeds of the tournament are going to the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. Lindsay was diagnosed with Stage 4 cervical cancer in June 2021. She fought until the very end but unfortunately lost the fight on April 4, 2022. “The Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation serves as the official fundraising arm for the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, fulfilling the requests of the Windsor Regional Cancer Program. Requests include the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, patient initiatives, such as the Patient Assistance Fund, and Seeds4Hope, which supports excellent local cancer research.” (https://windsorcancerfoundation.org/)

Lindsay was a full of life, kind-hearted tenacious and strong willed woman, she was a loving daughter, niece, cousin and partner. Often referred to as stubborn, she never backed down from fighting for her friends, family, her sharks, her pets and whatever she thought was right (even if she may have been wrong at times). Lindsay always saw the best in people and would often dedicate as much energy as she could to being a part of her friends and family lives. Through get togethers, wine nights, parties or tea drinking she was always present and in the moment.

Lindsay gave of herself without asking anything in return. She would give you the shirt off her back, even if it were the last one, she owned. She truly enjoyed the people in her life and loved making memories. She loved to laugh and had such an infectious laugh, plus the attitude to go with it.

Lindsay prided herself on being an understanding and strong willed daughter. She made sure to make time for her family and often would help any way she could. She loved her family.

Lindsay was a dedicated dog mom. No matter where she went or what she did Utah was her baby, and she would fight anyone who thought different. She loved all the animals she had throughout her life, but Utah was her pride and joy and she wasn’t afraid to tell you! Lindsay had another love, Sharks! They were the misunderstood, gentle giants of the ocean that kept everything in check. She would have lived with the sharks if she could've. However, she made sure to fight for their rights and dedicated understanding them. We are sure she is swimming with them now!

Lindsay had a love for sports. Well, certain sports. Lindsay was a Detroit Tigers fan through and through. Often attending the openers and many games. She celebrated the team and what those times being at the games meant. It wasn’t just fun, it was making memories and building a comradery with the people she cared for.

Lindsay exuded a light and presence everywhere she went or whomever she was with. She was a guiding force for many people in her life. Lindsay was and remains to be that presence that brings a smile to our faces. She was truly the best!